Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 9 - Rivets

These are the rivets on the side of an old, abandoned propane gas tank.


  1. This is a great shot, I think one of my favorites of yours so far, rust always does it for me and those rivets haive very cool character and are nicely placed on the third. One thing that does bothere me is the slight tilt of the metal seam, I feel it would look much better to have it more vertical.

  2. More rust! These rivets could be holding the Titanic together :)
    I like how the seam is curving away frowm the viewer, and the point of view of the rivets moves from face on on those at the bottom of the shot, and gradually you begin to see the pointed topography the further up the shot your eye travels :).

  3. More rust please as it really appeals to me. I like this very much and the colours compliment each other.

  4. This has a pretty nice composition. Using your transform tool, you could straighten out the line that would make it even stronger. I do think it seems a bit soft on the focus.

  5. Woohooo..more old stuff~ Love the close up so we have no idea what it is but agree on the vertical seam

  6. The problem wasn't soft focus. It was barb wire going across the photo that I cloned out with not-so-great results.

    I actually liked the seam being slightly off vertical. Guess that puts me in the minority.

  7. LOVE it! I like the slightly off kilter line too.
